Gallus, on learning that now not only was his boss was his old headmare from the School of Friendship. But that Twilight’s wife, and also his boss, was Silverstream.
“Oh, yeah. I like to just annoy the feathers off of Gallus when he’s on duty. Not much he can do about it, now is there? Twily lets me too.”
“It’s true.”
High Princess Silverstream on one of her favorite past times, when not helping Twilight with ruling Equestria. Despite that, she and Gallus are still friends.
“I’ll be the first to admit that I never thought I’d fine love as I did. But Silverstream is everything to me. Not only my wife and fellow princess. But my best friend.
You should’ve seen Skystar’s grin at our wedding. Even Pinkie admited she was jealous. It was a party like Mount Aris and Seaquestria hadn’t seen in a long time.
Heaven and Celeste? I couldn’t love them anymore than I already. But every day they find a way to make me love them even more.
Yes, Heaven’s unique set of legs has raised more than a few eyebrows. But I don’t love her any less for it. Celeste is the first to jump to her defense if anyone makes fun of them. And you never, ever, say anything bad about either of them to Flurry Heart. You might not survive it.
For their differences, Flurry, Heaven, and Celeste could almost be sisters, with how much they love hanging out together.”