luster develops a bit of an attitude, and a complete disinterest in friendship despite being magically talented - worried about the path luster might be headed on, she sends her to study under twilights wing.
luster absolutely despises it and finds the whole situation ridiculous. does not take anything that twilight says seriously.
2.) spending a lot of time around the castle with twilight means luster will often run into her kids, and occasionally, lychee.
after this, lychee does start to warm up to her - and when he comes to visit, the two of them sneak out back for a smoke break, away from both twilight and rainbow.
“You’re a bad influence. Stay away from him.”
“He’s making friends, isn’t that what you want?”
“I want him to make good friends. Not ponies like you.”
yea rainbow does not like that he’s hanging around luster. she’s trying so hard to make sure lychee stays on the right path (since scootaloo and sweetie belle arent going to do it themselves) - and when he starts avoiding her in favour of luster, she immediately confronts luster about it super bluntly. She makes it very clear she does not approve of their friendship.
Twilight is generally more leniant with it, hppy to see that Luster is learning something from her lessons with her. She tries to encourage rainbow to relax about it a bit as well, but rainbow remains very critical of luster.
4., 5. and 6.)
constantly ignored by his own parents, being in the castle was a painful reminder of the attention he never really got. Twilight and Rainbow loved all of their foals and gave them all the love they deserved. It made Lychee angry - especially Lucky. She got everything handed to her, all this love and attention, whether cameras were there or not. to him, she was a spoiled nerdy brat who needed to be put in her place. Why did she get to enjoy her childhood when he didn’t?
She’s subject to a lot of her teasing because of it. He’s jealous and feels the need to lash out, as some sort of justice in his mind.
“What you got here?” Lychee sneared, holding the sheet out in his hooves. |
“That’s mine,” Lucky sniffed. Lychee just ignored her, scanning the page, a bored expression on his face. |
“God, all these numbers? You’re excited about this crap?” |
“Yes. Give it back.” Lucky reached her hoof out, but Lychee blocked her with his wing. |
“I’m just reading! Jeez, chill. Don’t get your wings in a twist.” |
Lucky fidgeted, frustrated that he wouldn’t give it back, her cheeks turning red. |
““pythagoras theorum?” my god, you’re really doing that shit outside of school? Don’t you have a life?” |
“Mom said it’s a very useful skill in my research - and she even stated i applied it correctly and~~” |
“Yeah yeah, I’m sure she did~~ Hey Luster! Come look at this!” |
“No no no…” Lucky’s cheeks went even brighter. She hid in her wings, continuing to plead for him to stop. Luster emerged from the library, heading up the corridor to reach the pair. |
“What?” |
“Look at this crap! This kid’s really doing nerd shit in her spare time! No school or princess assignments or anything! How pathetic is that?” |
Luster’s eyes drew down to the paper in his hooves, and then back up to him |
“…Does it really matter?” |
“Uh, it’s downright weird is what it is. Am I right?” He looked at her, grinning, waiting for her to agree with him. Luster’s expression remained blank. |
“Yea, I guess.” |
“All these triangles and diagrams and measurements - what, you couldnt just draw a bunch of rainbows and flowers like a normal kid? You gotta be different?” |
“Lay off it, dude. You’re just being mean.” |
Lychee’s face fell, “…What? Oh c’mon! I’m just kidding around. She knows I don’t care, right Lucky?” |
There was a flash of turquoise magic, and suddenly the paper was out of Lychee’s hooves and in Lucky’s mouth. She turned, and quickly made her escape, heading off to her room. |
“Jeez, what’s her deal amirite?” Lychee snorted, nudging Luster in the shoulder. The mare simply rolled her eyes. |
“Learn where the line is, Lychee.” |
Lychee opened his mouth to give a retort, but Luster had turned away from him and headed back into the library, leaving him alone in the corridor. He snorted, unimpressed with her response. |
“Whatever. Kid needs to be taken down a peg.” |
Headcanon accepted.