One day, after missing another spell, she came to her father in tears and asked him:
“Do you think I’m really good at this ?”
Blueblood looked at her and dried her tears.
“You know, magic is a very difficult thing, he explained, even more so for the little alicorn like you ! But you’ll get there by practicing ! Come on, show me what you’ve learned today.”
Spessartite sat down and began to concentrate. She felt that something was happening in her horn, but it was difficult to execute ! Blueblood stood in front of her, at her height, and breathed gently with her, to help relieve her stress. She continued forced and ended up gently illuminating her horn. It was only a small spell, with no repercussions on the world around her, but that was all for her ! She looked at her horn:
“I did it, daddy ! Look, my horn lights up! She cried.
You’re right ! It’s amazing, my princess ! You should go to Twilight and Cadance and write about the progress you’ve made today !”
Spessartit stopped his horn and ran happily to the table. She took two parchments and began to write to her two mentors. Blueblood looked at her daughter proudly and secretly hoped that she would not grow up too fast!