Klavinova: Hello, boys!! Sorry about surprise intrusion! I was drunk on the vodka and stumble clumsily into building, then found myself half-naked on desk!!
I will compensate false alarm with lovely smoochies for every soldier outside! Please forgive me
Spetsnaz soldier: Uhhhh, of course, moy dorogoy! Anything for best pianist of Glorious Russia!!
Spetsnaz Commando: Sladkiy Iisus! We never thought we see famous lady here in our own headquarters!!
Allow me escort you to safety, while my lackey heads off to inform about false alarm!
Klavinova: That would be zamechatel’no!! I’ll promise I send you autographed photos of my cute soblaznitel’nyy priklad tommorrow morning from hotel room!!
Capper - With my big furry tail sticking out with a note saying, “Spasibo za sekretnyye plany bitvy, suki!”