Still working out the details of his parent’s relationship, but this is Squall Line! He’s got bags under his eyes all the time because he is always overworking himself with training and such. He wants to make his mother, Spitfire, proud and be as great a flyer as her. He wants to be a Wonderbolt ASAP, but he’s got super high bars set against him due to the acclaim his mother gathered as a Wonderbolt.
His little brother is Morning Glow.
He’s got no filter and says what pops into his head, often saying things rashly and bluntly. This is due to his sleep deprivation and the high amount of caffeine he injects in his system (he has a love of coffee and lattes) to function during the day. He’s got a bit of insomnia and suffers from anxiety on how people see him and often finds his self-worth only through the eyes of others. He is an awesome friend, always bolstering his pals and eager to help them out with their problems, but on bad days his tongue gets sharp and he can be inadvertently cruel with his words.
He’s always got a grin, smile, or a smirk on his face.