Nickname(s): Ty
Parents: Spitfire, Soarin’
Siblings: Stormy Weather (Half-sister)
Species: Pegasus
Orientation: Cis lesbian (She/Her)
Build: Tall and fit
Cutie Mark: Cyclone
Special Talent: Flying fast
Occupation: Wonderbolt cadet
Voice Claim: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
Typhoon is the result of a brief fling between Soarin’ and Spitfire. She perpetually has a look on her face that says “don’t fuck with me” and tends to intimidate most ponies; she’s kind of a loner. She’s a very strong flier and one of the fastest pegasi in her class. Typhoon earned her cutie mark after leading the formation of a tornado to funnel water from a reservoir up to Cloudsdale, having the highest flight speed out of all the pegasi involved. She’s currently in training to become a full-fledged Wonderbolt.
Although Soarin’ and Spitfire did their best to raise their daughter while they were separated, their busy schedules left Typhoon by herself for much of her childhood. Typhoon has a strained relationship with her younger half-sister Stormy Weather; Typhoon resents the fact that Stormy’s parents are still together, and is jealous of her younger sister’s bond with her father. She dated Dazzle Flash for a few months, although the two have since broken up.