Name: Cheescake Fondue Dipper (Goes by Fondue NOT lil cheese)
Family: Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich (parents), Rum Cake and Minerva (siblings)
Bio: Ever since she was born, Fondue (aka ‘Lil Cheese) was under the spotlight. With two famous party planner parents, one of which was also a grand protector of Equestria, she got a lot of attention from the public. She was the first kid born to one of the elements, and took up the mantel of their sort of ‘mascot’. Everybody looooovvved Lil Cheese, she was an equestrian Shirley Temple. Ever sweet and adorable, charming every pony she crossed paths when. Until she turned 13. She went through a growth spurt and a major identity flip. She was dissatisfied with her ‘precious baby’ image, and tried in vain to distance herself from it. Equestria’s sweetheart had morphed into a caddy, antisocial teenager seemingly over night. She started going by the name ‘Fondue’ and hates hates hates when ponies (especially her parents) even mention her old nickname. Under her bitchy exterior, way way way beneath her many jaded outerlayers, Fondue still has a great heart. Even if it only comes out once in a blue moon.