I enjoyed doing this; first off, it gave me a wonderful excuse to use a different lighting other than straight from the front. I winged the exact draw 80%, then went back and added more precise details from a reference picture.
Second, I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again; I’m a sucker for white coats. That plus the fact that drawing a non-canon (or are we going to literally canonize Faust here?) pony felt cathartic in some sense.
Third and last point: CONSPIRACY THEORY TIME.
Tau and Celestia. Both are alicorns. Both have white coats. Both have some sort of connection to the sun. Celestia is more or less in-universe worshipped and treated as a physical goddess. What if Tau Sunflare is Celestia wearing a wig?
Sanity is Overrated WE’VE ALL BEEN BLIND, AAAAH!Sanity is Overrated
I get the sudden premonition that someone will complain. The funny part is that I’m not even Christian; I’m just an college art student who’s been flooded with religious art this past semester, most of it Christian in some manner.
Others like this:
Mane 6+Spike:
Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Spike
Cutie Mark Crusaders:
Babs Seed
Luna, Celestia, Chrysalis, Sombra, Cadence, Shining Armor
Trixie, Discord, Nightmare Moon, Lord Tirek, Gilda, Sunset Shimmer, Lightning Dust, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon
Original Characters:
Harmony, Solar Flare, Javien Seus, Science Knowledge