Fun contest entry for butteredpawpcorn ! 😁I ended up choosing the adorable Appleblossom Tart for my entry. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love most of the Apple clan, so I was bound to be drawn to one of the Apple Nextgens. While I can’t really get behind the pairing that spawned her (though TrenderMac makes me giggle a LOT for some reason and I can’t hate on it much - spurned by apple mare, go after her big brother! :lmao: ), I love both her design and her personality/concept.Ponies with unique/uncommon body types always catch my eye, especially a cutie like her! Her palette is very pleasing and sweet, her cutiemark is adorable, and she’s got those FRECKLES. 🥰The fact that, despite her lankiness and incompatibility with farm work, Tart remains a beloved and accepted member of the Apple clan is great. Even if she can’t do all the heavy-duty work around Sweet Apple Acres, she remains optimistic and sweet, and manages to pitch in in her own special way. The fact that she’s got a rivalry of sorts with her great-Granny Smith is something I connected with, as I love cooking and baking with my own great-grandmother! ❤️EDIT: Felt it was a bit lacking and unintentionally too similar to another piece that inspired me a bit, so I decided to redo it a little. Background resource from: !
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