This is Thunderbass from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls. I wanted to draw some male character wearing a skirt and he was the chosen one! I like the idea of clothing being genderless but I also think that it must be chosen according to the body type of the character. I think its cool to add more clothing variety to male characters by drawing them with skirts, crop tops, high heels or other kinds of stuff as long as these clothes fit and complements their looks rather than making them look 100% feminine. Of course this practice can evoke some sense of femininity but only by the way we associate skirts with that gender, for example. But this cannot be considered 100% crossdressing in my opinion.
I don’t consider this to be “crossdressing” (I’m just putting the tag for search purposes) in the usual sense that the term is used as crossdressing usually involves impersonating the opposite gender and adopting a female name along with female behaviours. I like to see this more as a non-binary (that is: not limited by the Male - Female dichotomy) choice of clothing as I don’t think wearing a skirt or other things instantly makes you a crossdresser… but feel free to call it however you like. These are just my thoughts and ideology when it comes to this stuff.
I will keep making this “Non-Binary Style” series of drawings in which I will continue to explore the adaptation of female clothing concepts to male characters. I will also continue drawing muscular female ponies. I’m going to constantly switch between these two topics for drawing purposes: non-binary clothing and muscular females.