Community Collab Image 2024 This year's collab has begun! Post your submissions here


Originally posted on: January 23, 2017  
Aaaand have yet another ref for one of the background characters from Red Velvet Recalls. This one I had to redo the colouring a bit to get it right, but finally succeeded :phew:
This time Wing Power, the one inmate if the high security wing who didn’t spill blood with his own hooves until the big escape. He had ponies for that before the whole arrest for declaring war on Princess Celestia and all that. His crime was more of a political one, considered he insisted so much on pegasi superiority he though he could deny Princess Celestia access to Cloudsdale and the sky. Well, he thought wrong, stricken down hard for his hubris. Considered a prisoner of war he was locked away but never forgotten. Being the one inmate with regular visits from his groupies and fans supporting his views about pegasi superiority.
Another interesting character among the cast. The one keeping an idea of morals, even when forced to battle along side those he sees as belonging in the dirt when needed. Took in Day Late, after the big escape.
I actually really enjoyed drawing a pony with the face spot and socks. Always liked design details like that but not wanting to overdo it in character designs…
Anyways, enjoy!
Wing Power, Red Velvet © avatarjk137
Okay, don’t tell me you haven’t heard of Wing Power, because his case is only half as old as mine and that was the story of the year. What, were you born under a rock? Okay, never mind.
You do at least understand the flight supremacist movement, right? Racist pegasi thinking they’re better than everypony else? It’s nothing new, it’s older than Cloudsdale. Well, a few years after my imprisonment, things were coming to a head. The Flight Supremacist party was a serious political contender in Cloudsdale, and the candidate for mayor was Wing Power. A big, handsome palomino pegasus stallion, a direct descendent of THE Commander Hurricane, able to clear the skies with a single blast of his wings, and a charismatic public speaker on top of all that? Groupies were just the beginning.
Things got complicated. A few earth ponies and unicorns turned up dead. Royal Guards started getting stationed in Cloudsdale for ‘training exercises’ - including non-pegasi with cloudwalking spells. Equestria was on the precipice of civil revolt as over a thousand years of racial tension came to a head. And then Wing Power made a grave tactical error. After a restrictive push by the Royal Guards, Wing Power challenged their captain to a duel, intending to push them out of Cloudsdale. The captain declined on the grounds that his orders came from Celestia - and Wing Power challenged Celestia.
I know. I let out a loud whoop when I heard the news, too. Scared the hell out of the guards, I usually keep my composure. Well, they said that Wing Power’s innate weather magic was so strong that no creature could take to the skies if he willed otherwise. Celestia proved otherwise. And all of Equestria beheld Wing Power as he fell from heaven… LIKE LIGHTNING! I’m sorry, but this story always gets me emotional I hate Wing Power because he’s a terrible racist and he doesn’t respect me, but he rebelled against a thousand-year regime, challenged an alicorn to single combat and had his challenge accepted, and risked life and limb for what he believed in. The stallion has balls that drag on the ground. That’s why he flies everywhere instead of walking.
Anyway, after the battle, a very nervous Cloudsdale barred its gates to the broken and battered pegasus, and he was promptly arrested by authorities on the ground. There was some talk of charging him with high treason, but in the end he was claimed as a prisoner of war, so technically he’s the only non-murderer of all my neighbors. He’s still very dangerous, though, and not just because of his physical strength. If he were to get out and back into a cloud town… well, I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say he’d have a brand new web of political connections in a week. And yes, he does still get groupies. The flight supremacists have fallen from popularity, but they’re still around. And rebelling against Celestia made him incidentally popular with Luna-dedicates, adolescents of all races, sociopaths… well. I think you get the point. I can’t stand Wing Power, as a pony… but if Equestria was a democracy, I’d vote for him. Things would get ever so much more interesting.


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