Age: 16
Special Talent: Taking care of roses
Cutie Mark: A rose
Friends: Painterfly, Thunder Bolt, Heart Breaker, Moonbeam Sparkle, Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle, Rarity,Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy,Pinkie Pie,Applejack,Spike,Applebloom,Sweetie Belle,Scootaloo,Babs Seed, Lyra, Bon-bon, Roseluck, Daisy, Lily.
Personality: Roseheart is Roselucks friend. She loves to plant flowers and taking care of roses. She usually foalsits Painterfly if Fluttershy’s out. She cares about Painterfly, and she always suggest what to do to get her cutie mark. Her best friend is Applejack, because they can plant everything together. Rainbow Dash can be an annoyence to her, but that doesn’t affect they’re friendship. She loves to hang out with Lyra, bon-bon and Roseluck. She loves to make new friends. She also has a crush on Doctor Whooves.
Enemies: Billy, Dumbell, Gilda, Flim and Flam
Likes: Planting flowers, cheering everyone up, Talking, Hang out, Foalsitting.
Dislikes: Being called a loner, Noone to talk to, doesn’t like seeing someone bullied
Well, that’s her bio !