Twilight Sparkle + King Sombra (divorced) = Shadow Andromeda
Twilight Sparkle + Flash Sentry = Sirius Sentry
Pinkie Pie + Cheese Sandwich = Sweet Cake
Fluttershy + Discord = Maleficent
Rarity + Fancy Pants = Lora Crystal Swirl
Rainbow Dash + Soarin = Tornado Dash
Applejack + Trouble Shoes = Pear Jam
Princess Luna + King Sombra = Nebula Lullaby
The mane 7 had a tea party on that day. They were calm and happy.
Lora. Ah, what’s a wonderful day to relax.
Maleficent. I agree with you. It’s very calm and chilly.
Shadow. I think nothing can mess it!
Suddenly, Nebula broke into the castle.
Shadow. Nebula? What are you doing here?
Nebula. Shadow, Sirius, it’s urgent?
Sirius. What happened, Nebula?
Nebula. I think your mom needs your help!
Shadow. What do you mean? And what happened to your eye and your cutie mark?
Nebula. The strange pony broke into the castle and took our magic and cutie marks! Me and Princess Twilight tried to confront her, but we could not.
Maleficent. Oh no!
Tornado. Is princess Twilight and that pony stay in the castle?
Nebula. Yes! We have to go into the castle and to deal with her.
Pear Jam. What are we waiting for?
Sweet Cake. Equestria needs our help, girls!
Sirius. Let’s go!
This Next Gen belongs to me and my sister SiriusSentry