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Here is an interesting comparison, spotted on Rotten Tomatoes just now.
My Little Pony: The Movie scores in with a 92% audience score and an average user rating of 4.5/5.
“Blade Runner 2049” with an audience score of “only” 90% and an average user rating of “only” 4.4/5.
Considering that the MLP: FiM Movie had only 2,464 ratings to reach this, far less than “Blade Runner 2049” that is probably the most sought after movie from all the other movies starting this weekend and that had 28,119 ratings to reach this, this is a very impressive result for the MLP: FiM Movie already.  
Especially because these are just the numbers and ratings after the early previews, while the first regular screenings of it have yet to happen today on Opening Day.  
It looks very good so far.
Spoiler-free first impressions of My Little Pony: The Movie here:

safe2250506 derpibooru import1643313 applejack211643 capper dapperpaws1854 captain celaeno1395 fluttershy273065 grubber893 pinkie pie270196 princess skystar2463 queen novo1853 rainbow dash294926 rarity229500 score263 sea poppy35 songbird serenade1426 spike95863 storm king1441 tempest shadow18560 twilight sparkle372456 twilight sparkle (alicorn)151710 abyssinian1615 alicorn427542 anthro386455 dragon114215 seapony (g4)6984 my little pony: the movie20340 blade runner 204970 bubble splash11 comparison4978 food103357 lilly drop11 meta18807 movie856 movie drama13 rating116 rotten tomatoes40 sun twist5 tomato608


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