Description from DeviantArt:
Oh my goodness…: “Um, we all still get an equal cut of the bounty, right?”“Murr hurr mphuphurrur, hurr mph phrr.”“Consarnit you Flamebrain! Who asked you? Even so, She’s right, as usual it’s Twenty-Five percent each, the rest goes toward the Finder’s fee”Oh my goodness…: “Oh. . . um. . . okay.”“Mmmrpgh crpyha drghya!”“Ugh just shut up. . . I’ve told you a thousand times! Mind where you point that thing, you Psychotic Filly. You may have Fireproofed your Wings, but I for one don’t want to have to deal with burnt feathers, and I’m pretty sure neither does Shy!”“Mmph mphna mprh.”“Fine. . . we’ll buy you some Ice cream when we get back”I don’t really have much to say about this one, since the dialogue does most of my work for me.
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