Rainbow: Yeah, that last one… oof. 😰
It all began outside of the rollercoaster.
Rainbow: Oh yeah! That’s looks awesome! What do ya think, Fluttershy?
Fluttershy: Well, um, I don’t know.
Rainbow: Come on, it’ll be great. Trust me.
Both girls just about managed to squeeze them selves into a coaster car.
Rainbow: You’ll be fine, Fluttershy, I promise. I’m right here if you need me.
After the ride…
Fluttershy: Wow. That was actually.. pretty fun. I kind of enjoyed that.
Rainbow: Y-y-yeah. G-g-g-good for you.
Fluttershy: So, where should we go next? I was thinking the- Oof. Uh, wait, Hhhnnnngg! Ooooohh!
Rainbow: Hhhhnnngg! Oh no.
Fluttershy: Rainbow? I think we’re stuck.
Rainbow: (groaning)
Fluttershy: Oh my. Um, excuse me, sir?! Me and my friend are wedged in this car. We can’t get out.
Operator: Oh right. Don’t worry guys, I’ll go and get maintenance right away.
Fluttershy: Oh dear. Oh, in the meantime, you can ride this coaster a couple more times. Will that cheer you up? … Uh, Rainbow? Rainbow?