Twi: Girls, has anyone seen my razor? Beard’s growing in again
Fluttershy: That’s our wife, darling
Pinkie: Oh my gosh she is! Even better
I adore drawing Twilight, she’s everything to me. Anyway, Twilight’s always had troubles keeping her facial hair in control, but after her ascension everything went wild, including her hair’s growth rate. She started this morning with a clean face.
Twilight’s also never really paid attention to her body, but she’d always been lanky and soft everywhere because she was fairly sedentary reading a Lot or practising her spells. However after being in multiple world ending perilous situations, she’s been working out with her brother more, now she’s fairly beefed up underneath her reading fat and motherhood belly and hips. Her wives think she’s the pinnacle of beauty, something Pinkie likes to loudly declare regularly
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