all fire, smoke, or energy effects (or portals) are done in krita, the save points are a particle system in SFM, the torch fire is a particle system that i edited in krita to make it look more like fire
as Toriel followed the human and Strange Quark through the portal it collapsed behind her. “how did you do that? in all my years of being in the underground i have seen all manners of magic known to monsters… but that was a new one” Toriel asked catching Strange Quark’s attention. “that? that came from the gem i wear on my neck, it is one of the 6 cosmic infinity stones that act as the embodiments of their aspects of existence, this one is the space stone, it allows me to control the very fabric of space itself in any way i want. the other 5 stones are power, reality, soul, time, and mind. a being with all 6 is nothing short of god, all knowing and all powerful.” Strange Quark said as Toriel looked at the stone in amazement. “where are the rest of them?” The human asked as Toriel tore her eyes away from the glowing blue gem she now knew held infinite power over space itself “well from what i remember i actually have one at home. never knew what it was though. it’s bright purple and it hurts to touch it” Toriel said astonishing the human and Strange Quark. “that’s the power stone! well we should get there as fast as possible then… while seeing the rest of this place” Strange Quark said having a new goal. “well should i educate the two of you in the operation of puzzles then? try this one. i have marked the levers you need to pull.” Toriel said pointing to the levers in the room. Strange Quark trotted to the first one and pulled it as the human walked to the other lever and pulled it, the spikes in the hallway retracted with a metallic scraping. “we may proceed!” the human said as Toriel and Strange Quark smiled happily at their progress.
sorry if the story pacing is a little slow for some people’s taste, i just want to pack as much of the story of undertale as possible into this series and do the game justice which means including every room and all important encounters