Unlike with Fluttershy, I have no idea why August 6th is considered Twilight Sparkle Day on Equestria Daily. I’d assume they meant to make this day on Friendship Day, which is on July 30th according to Google, instead the Princess of Friendship’s special day falls on the same date as National Root Beer Day. Maybe Twilight just likes to order a rootbeer alongside her burger at Hay Burger? Whatever the case may be, you know I had to make some art for this particular pony day! This is something I sketched for the Season 4 MLP review, my logic being Season 4 saw a lot of change for Twilight Sparkle, and of course she’s reading a book along with Bumper. Sorry if the book itself is bland, I had a deadline to meet so I rushed the book job. In any case I plan on fixing that flaw later, but for now I hope you all enjoy this picture as much as the ghost and pony are enjoying the story they’re reading.