Pinkie and The Yellow Squish Drive (Part 5) END 🏁
🔴 I hereby declare this donation drive (Pinkie And The Yellow Squish) officially CLOSED!!! 🔴
First off, I wanna give another HUGE round of thank yous to every single head that helped make my first donation drive go in the direction it did! I must admit, it wasn’t bad for a first one. BUT, even though this drive is over, that doesn’t mean the donating stops right here! Y’all are still encourage to help out your boi! 😊
Next: I wanna give a shout out to @thekreepykevin over on Twitter for giving me permission to use his OC (at the top left corner). Thank you as well! Holler at him for me, guys! =3
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Here are the FINAL standings of this drive:
$212 Raised = Balloon inflated to 380 FEET wide!
Oh and PLEASE… stay tuned for a follow-up pic to see what happens to this balloon! And, of course, the recovery of Ponyville….
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