This was a Happy Meal toy released in 2019 (“Cajita Feliz” in Mexico). Unfortunately, it came out only in parts of Latin America. It is so hard to get – I have never found it on eBay. But here it is – Spike with wings perched in my bedroom in all his glory!
Safe to say, getting him was no easy task. I have found this toy for sale online – but only from a Latin American equivalent to eBay that doesn’t ship to the U.S. On eBay, I had to pay someone to make the purchase for me – and then forward it to me. When the postman finally arrived, I had to sign a form.
I ordered two, since I was already paying a steep price for the service. The other remains unopened, being saved as a pure collector’s item. In all, I paid about $27 for each toy. As a Spike fan, I thought it was totally worth it!