Ughhhh….another mary sue pony who is a princess and rules a kingdom in Equestria, like we already have enough of those.
“Well, you’d be surprised when I tell you that I am not from Equestria..rather…..from another planet. Or at least I was born in Canterlot but ended up in space. Kinda weird huh? You can call me a space pony if you want? Or an alien? But do I really look like an alien to you? Be honest. Now I may be breaking the 4th wall here but I’m only here to explain myself alright. Now like I said before, most of you don’t know me, or have even have heard me, and if that’s the case well…I have a story to tell, my story. And it’s a pretty long one so if you want to stick with it then keep up…buuuttttt? I’m only here to announce it, not necessarily tell about myself in this post. Heck, my story goes on for a long time and you would probably get tired of reading it in one telling (post). Sooo, I’m breaking up my story in a couple of parts. Now! Enough of me breaking the fourth wall here….I should be getting ready to tell my story…To the Moon and Back.”
“Hope you enjoy it!”