i finished the next page already but i’m waiting a little bit
and gee who’s that listening hmmmmmm?
about what these two ponies were talking about:
the reason they said what happened and why this house was apart of it is just urban legend was because the mere concept of turning yourself into a different person by science is considered impossible even those who were connected to it were not believed and the evidence is just from a crazy pony and not taken literally the news papers were strictly regional too (if this were human it would be too even if not most people would not believe it and think is noting so it’s not popular but really i say it’s regional). but this crazy pony and concept makes a good story so two ponies from a place about the town’s history want to make something just for fun so they found the house all broken and beat up due to weather after 10 to 11 years.
about the legend: somehow ponies found a hole in the grave and there was a hole in the coffin some say the ponies are alive again but most went to a more logical explanation that it was a grave robber who took the body yet again the idea that this pony is alive still makes the story even more interesting so ya.
griffin only hears about the concept not the story but just said the guy died of suicide yet also said he could be alive, griffin found this info useful and you will see why soon, little did griffin and the two ponies know they were being watched.
also yes that IS the friendship express in this case is a very new train that is functional but still building it’s rail roads because i have to add something relating to the show in this story