Sweetie always had something of a crush on Spike. He was just so sweet and mannerly and a bit of dork but in a cute way and he was always hanging out with Rarity. While his puppy love was obvious to all, Sweetie kept hers hidden pretty well. She just couldn’t tell him while he was still in love with someone else, no matter how unlikely the match was. So she satisfied herself with getting to hang out with him when Rarity was away, and the friendship that resulted from that. When Sweetie moved to Canterlot to attend her singing school she tried to forget about Spike but she just couldn’t, and anytime a handsome stallion asked for a date, she always declined. Spike meanwhile had moved on from his crush on Rarity after Sweetie left. Years passed by, and the dragon became fully focused on his job managing all of Twilight’s royal appointments and ceremonies. One such event took him to Canterlot, and since he heard that Sweetie was performing at the Oprony House a few streets away, he decided to visit his old friend. When he saw Sweetie, now a grown and beautiful mare, singing on stage he was blown away. She looked and sang so maturely! In many ways she reminded him of Rarity, but she had a much more playful smile and an honest manner. He caught up to her just as she was leaving, eager to catch up, as was Sweetie. A few coffee dates and honest talks later and the two were fast in love. After just a few short months, they were engaged. Before marrying, the two moved to a small house in Ponyville. Sweetie wanted to open up a singing school so village foals wouldn’t need to move like she did, and with Spike’s expertise in business and entrepreneurship, he made that happen. Sweetie takes care of teaching the foals their scales, while Spike happily crunches numbers and keeps the business running smoothly. Not long after their career and marriage began, they opened up the third chapter of their lives with their hybrid son, Silver Note.