Rainfall (SoarinDash) and Starlight Ray (TwiSentry) study night sky as a part of their activities in their summer camp, with the help Ray’s mom - Twilight Sparkle. Flutterhys, Big Mac and their children Summer Wind and Snow Blossom accompany them… just because it is nice summer night a wonderful opportunity to admire night sky.
Took me about a month to finish it!
SUMMER WIND: Wow, this telescope is really so powerful?
TWILIGHT SPARKLE: Yes, you can actually see surfaces of other planets!
STARLIGHT RAY: We often use it at home. Studying sky is so interesting! I am so glad you allowed to bring the telescope here, mom!
TWILIGHT SPARKLE: (smiles) Why wouldn’t I? (musses his mane) Always happy to introduce kids to science!
SUMMER WIND: I didn’t know this week inyour camp was so interesintg, guys. Mom, dad, can I go there with my friends next year?
FLUTTERSHY: Of course, dear!
BIG MAC: Eeyup.
SNOW BLOSSOM: Daddy, look, look, look! So bright star has fallen! Did you see it?
BIG MAC: Eeyup.
FLUTTERSHY: (Smiles) Don’t forget to make a wish, sweetie. If you sound it while the star is falling it will come true.
BIG MAC: Eeyup!
RAINFALL: Please, it is silly superstition…
STARLIGHT RAY: Maybe. But there what’s so bad about making a wish?
SUMMER WIND: Besides it is fun, Rainy!
STARLIGHT RAY: (to Summer Wind) Hey, I wanted to ask you something. You know Rainfall better than me - has she always been like this?
SUMMER WIND: From time to time.
RAINFALL: Well, excuse me if I don’t want to take part in stupid… wow!
SUMMER WIND: Woah, now that was a Star!
SNOW BLOSSOM: Where?! Ugh, I missed it!
TWILIGHT SPARKLE: Stay calm, everypony! There will be enough shooting stars for us all tonight!
STARLIGHT RAY: Snowy, if you want to see more stars, I can tell you at which regions of the sky it is better to look at.
SNOW BLOSSOM: Oh, do tell, do tell!
SUMMER WIND: That meteor was so pretty. Don’t you think, Rainy?
RAINFALL: Well… yes.
SUMMER WIND: You may laugh at me, but I was quick enough to make a wish!
RAINFALL: Oh? Hey, I don’t want to laugh at you, Wind! So… what did you wish for?
SUMMER WIND: I can’t tell you.
RAINFALL: Why not?
SUMMER WIND: It won’t come true then!
RAINFALL: (giggles) Okay!
SUMMER WIND: Don’t you want to make one too? (holds her hand) Just for fun!
RAINFALL: Err… umm… maybe… yay, did you see that star?!