Named her Moon because I don’t want her having any connections with Monogy, but she still represents me, in this case in the mlp universe
and because its an anagram of Mono d:
A little about her:
20 years old, average size.
Only have right side wing, lost the other when very young. Never flew.
Shy potato, have a lot of difficulties socialising. Talks very little.
Likes studying nature, magic, drawing.
Always respectful, avoids trouble.
Always caries a bag when out, with a sketchbook and pencils, tissues (allergic to strong smells), snacks (mostly candies), little bags to collect nature stuff, and maybe other essential things.
Pupil are dark, but turn white when angry, nervous, or when she is very interested in something.
Maybe I’ll add more, any case you can always ask me anything about her ^^
Feel free to draw her, I would appreciate a lot <3