Voice actor: Hugo Weaving
Ash Bark is the stoic, courageous, bounty-hunting son of Ponyville’s lumber pony, Burnt Oak, and his late wife Willow Branch. This stallion has spent a good majority of his life traveling the Western and Southern parts of Equestria, on the hunt for various criminals on the run. Under Sheriff Silverstar of Appleoosa’s employment, he is actually fairly well-known in his field. He has dedicated himself to keeping Equestria safe. He can decipher clues on somecreature’s whereabouts from the culmination of the smallest of clues - a dropped horseshoe nail, slightly uncovered ashes from a fire, a broken branch - you name it. Quite a few inhabitants of Canterlot Dungeons are there because of Ash.
Because of his dedication to his work, that means this stallion hasn’t had a ton of friendly, personable interactions with a lot of creatures. He does care for the other members of his posse (when he can tolerate them) but anycreature outside of that, his mostly his father he keeps in contact with. So his social skills are…not exactly the best. He can be overly blunt, dry, and puts forward a “tough guy” exterior. However, he does have a deep passion for the guitar, and often plays when time permits. He’s also quite fond of Ogres and Oubliettes. After meeting and falling in love with farm mare/Element of Honesty/savior 1/7 of Equestria, Applejack, a whole slew of friends suddenly enter his life, and he learns how cool it can actually be.
Harpschicord Pants
Voice actor: Jude Law
Harpschicord “Happy” Pants is, just as his nickname illustrates, is a cheerful, charming journalist from Canterlot, and younger brother of Fanciful “Fancy” Pants. They were raised by doting, high-class parents in an environment much akin to that of Downtrot Abbey - nannies, the best tutors, high-fashion clothes, endless vacations, and countless lessons in society etiquette. Happy was a young stallion, barely stepping into adulthood, when he finally had enough. Telling his family he was tired of this stuffy life, and in want of adventure, Happy Pants headed off. He spent a month in Veneighzuela, breathing in the mountain air and immersing himself in the inhabitants’ rich culture. There, Happy rediscovered his passion for writing in the stories that the locals shared, and needed to be recorded. From there, the stallion traveled the world, living with the tribes in Zebrica, meeting the desert ponies of Oatstralia, even being one of the few to make it out of Yakyakistan with a couple of friendly bruises. He loves sharing other creatures’ stories, showing that, despite differences in cultures, certain stories could belong to anycreature.
It wasn’t until Happy journeyed to visit the natives of Ha’whinni that his adventures took a different turn. There, he met the first love of his life, Glittering Facet. The two swiftly fell together, and it was Glitter that encouraged Happy to reconcile with his family, notably his brother. In doing so, he two end up moving back to Canterlot, marrying, and having a beautiful daughter together. They raise Splendor and live happily as a family, until tragedy strikes and, within a few weeks, Happy and Splendor are left by themselves. Five years go by, with Happy caring for his daughter himself (of course with support from Fancy and his own wife, Fleur), and Dora becomes old enough to where Happy can begin traveling again. He does so for awhile, until he comes home to Canterlot and runs into - literally - the fashionista/Element of Generosity/savior of Equestria 1/7 herself Rarity. From there, its love at first sight.