She’s an all around lovely mare and cares deeply for all her friends and family
Hard worker, pretty self-giving, nurturing, level-headed
Normally she’s pretty calm and mellow but she does liven up when talking with her family, about her interests or about any of her many plants
She can get lost in her own daydreams at times though.
Heather works at a flower shop part-time, and is very knowledgable about almost all kinds of plants. But she’s always eager to learn of new species from different corners of Equestria.
Jamie’s bakery is pretty successful so Heather doesn’t really need to work, but since plants are her passion, she doesn’t even consider it work. Besides, she finds joy in being helpful anyway.
She also volunteers at the local daycare every so often, and is a foal favorite among the kiddos. She’s a wonderful storyteller.
When she’s not at her flower shop or volunteering at daycare, she’s in her own garden, growing all sorts of exotic specimens. She also enjoys just strolling in parks, being with her family, and flights above scenic areas.
She’s a peacemaker, and strives to uphold peaceful relationships with everyone at all times. She’s also very patient, which helps when things around her aren’t so much.
She absolutely adores Jamie, and they having a very warm, loving relationship. She’s always joking she has no idea how he fell for some random plant-obsessed pegasus, and he jokes right back how she fell for some scruffy baker earth pony.
She dotes on both her kids, and is a source of comfort and stability for both of them.
Her and Nana Pepper share a strong friendship as well, and enjoy doing all sorts of things together, especially traveling. Pepper considers her as her own daughter.