Nickname(s): Phil, Philly, Phili-O (by Firefly), Daddy Age: 31 Birthday: ??? Parents: Chrysalis and Shining Armor, Luna (stepmother) Siblings: Firefly (younger half-sister), Flurry Heart (biological half-sister) Spouses: Minstrel Custard and Sheltering Hooves Children: Poison Sweets (daughter), Pixie Monster (future daughter), Ladybug (future daughter), Farnam Mouse (future son) Personality:
With his gloomy attitude and perpetually-sullen gaze, Phil is an enigma to those who don’t understand the deep anguish that comes with the emo lifestyle. He comes across as grumpy and closed-off, but underneath is a deep-seated trauma that has plagued him since childhood. There’s a reason he rarely smiles that goes deeper than emo theatrics. Even then, Phil has a huge soft spot for foals, in whom he sees the innocence he lost. Additionally, he is extremely empathetic and sensitive to the pain and suffering in others, because he knows all too well what it feels like. Relationships:
After suffering through years of trauma and abuse at her hooves, it’s no surprise that Phil absolutely despises his mother Chrysalis. He hasn’t forgiven her for anything she’s done (for good reason) and can hardly stand being in her presence, especially as she lies and acts nicer for everyone else. He may put up a tolerant front for the public, but otherwise he wants nothing to do with her. Phil doesn’t hold anything against his biological father for not wanting him in his life, nor does he feel anything strongly for or against his stepmother Luna, but he will never respect Chrysalis.
Phil has a decent relationship with his sister Firefly, if rather distant. Like most ponies, she has no idea what his past was like and why he lives such an anguished existence. She really doesn’t know him at all, as much as she would insist otherwise, but Phil doesn’t hold that against her. After all, she’s just as clueless as everyone else. But he does play along and humor Firefly at times, even when she’s vulgar and annoying.
From the outside, Phil’s marriage to a serial killer and to someone who doesn’t outright condemn it seems like a recipe for disaster. And sometimes it is, when the topic of murder comes up and Phil finds himself reliving his traumas. Maybe his marriage to Minstrel Custard and Sheltering Hooves isn’t the healthiest, but Phil sees in them two ponies who understand him better than anyone. In Minstrel he sees someone who can he can bond with over being equally messed-up and miserable, and Shelter is the understanding, motherly figure they both need. And having partners who get him like that, despite their flaws, is why Phil loves them.
Phil’s soft spot for children isn’t just limited to his own child (and children to come). While most ponies avoid him, Prince Blueblood’s daughter Angel has taken right to Phil, following him around and calling him her friend. And he has found himself becoming fiercely protective of her and going along with her whims to make her happy. This is not just because he cares deeply about foals in general, but because Angel reminds him of a friend from long ago… Cutie Mark: N/A