They seem to be papers that were torn out of a book, and looking at the book next to her she sees that, indeed, they are many missing pages.
She goes back to the loose writings and one instantly grabs her attention. It’s a piece of paper with various weird symbols written on it. Beside each symbol is what Mulberry assumes is a translation for each rune. For instance, the ubiquitous V seems to represent the word “Big”.
The mare continues going through the papers, and finds another interesting one. It appears to be from some sort of diary. From the date, it appears to be from before the fog wall was reported.
Today I returned from the City Hall to find Goldenclaw’s lackey’s rifling through my apartment. They left pretty quickly after asking, but I noticed that some of my research is missing. Unfortunately, it was the writings on the cataloging and use of the Birdsong Runes.
What is that idiot planning? Well, He’s forced my hoof. Time to do something drastic. I’ve written down the runes I remember, but I will be burning anything and everything else related to the Seeker of Knowledge. I can’t let that bastard gryphon find out anymore.
Concerned, she picks another piece of paper at random. This one is dated just a bit before the last.
I think I have made a huge error. Gamble took my advice, but instead of listening how small the chances were he instead went ahead, using his own daughter as the vessel. It very clearly hasn’t worked however. She’s lost what little sanity she had. What’s worse she’s gained a new companion of some sort. She calls it “Mr. Peacock”.