From Source:
Name: KiteNickname: Precious (when being teased)Parents: Thunderlane, RarityAge: 18Body/Appearance:
Kite is fairly tall. He has an average build, as he is not fat nor is he super buff, but he’s pretty fit. He has a lovely shiny mane (inherited from Rarity) and nice fur and feathers. This, combined with his “adorable face”, makes him considered pretty attractive. His wings are streamlined and quite a bit larger than average. However, the latter half of his right wing is artificial, but completely functional. It was made by Dovetail as a replacement for what he lost in an accident when they were a few years younger.Personality:
Kite is easygoing, carefree, and optimistic. After losing the ability to fly, he sank into a dark place until he got his new wing and could fly again. He went from wishing he had died to realizing just how much he had taken things for granted, and now when things are bad he usually thinks, “at least I can fly and am still alive.” His bright attitude is usually contagious.
He is probably the most innocent of his friends and sometimes doesn’t understand things that are said (especially if it’s something dirty.) Kite is somewhat aware that mares find him cute, but he’s so awkward he never really knows how to respond if he thinks he’s being flirted with.Relationships:
Rarity was protective of Kite before, and after his accident, it took years for her to let him go back to doing regular things. She and Thunderlane both realized how close they could have been to losing their son, and they’re both still somewhat wary of letting Kite out of their supervision, but they know that when he’s with his friends now, he’s safe. Kite is the type of kid who’s never been embarrassed of his parents, so he still thinks his dad is super cool and loves flying with him, and he doesn’t care if his mom kisses him or dotes on him in front of others (he kind of likes being coddled.)
Kite sometimes embarrasses his little sis without even realizing, but Aster knows he (usually) doesn’t intend to do so. She admires his perseverance and likes spending time with her brother, because even if she wants to play something like makeover, Kite will just say, “Make me beautiful, sis. c:”
Pretty much everyone Kite meets likes him because of his cheery innocence. His friends love having him around. He almost always has a great idea for what they can do or where they can do whenever they hang out, and he gets along well with each of them individually because of their similarities.
Kite probably sticks around Dovetail the most. Ever since she made his wing for him, they’ve been really close because Kite feels he will never be able to repay his debt to her, so he tries to be the best friend he can. One would think having him almost constantly by your side would be annoying, but Dove doesn’t mind.
Kite’s flying buddies were Conway and Magna, but ever since his accident and Conway leaving, Kite and Magna don’t go flying as often.Talents/Abilities/Cutie Mark:
Thunderlane and Rarity named him Kite due to his coloration and wing shape (based off of the bird), but because of his namesake, Kite took an interest in flying kites at a young age. He realized he was pretty good at doing so, and while flying kites, also practiced his flying. With his wing shape, he wasn’t the fastest, but he could stay in the air for a long time and do wonderful tricks. He eventually became known for this graceful display, which sometimes involves doing tricks while flying a kite, and got an offer to join the show part of the Wonderbolts when he was older. This was when (around the age of 12ish) he received his cutie mark, which represents both his flying prowess and affection for kites.
A year or two later, with poor judgement from all three of them, Kite, Magna, and Conway decided to go flying in a gorge without telling anyone exactly where they were going. Long story short- there was a rock slide, Kite was nearest to the bottom and got knocked all the way down, and a large boulder crushed and crunched the outer part of his right wing. Magna flew to get the paramedics, and Conway stayed to help. That part of his wing had to be amputated.
Everyone saw how depressed Kite was after he healed, but it took a few months for Dovetail to do the proper research and gain enough confidence in her knowledge and abilities before she proposed the idea of a prosthetic wing. With special fabric provided by Rarity, and some help from Twilight, Dovetail was able to connect the wing to the bone, nerves, and muscles, and the wing works almost as well as it did before. Kite is still hoping he can join the Wonderbolts after getting back into his routine.
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