Originally posted on: May 20, 2013
This is Snoken (my mutant uni on neopets) if he were to be in the MLP:FiM universe.MLP Bio:Snoken have never been a living pony. He’s not some fallen soul. He’s always been a demon, summons to Equestria ages ago. So long that he is seeing himself as a pony. Once that happened he got his cutiemark, a grey hoofprint with fangs. But he still love to play evil, some cases almost deadly, pranks on those that get too close to him and his home.(Also I still see it as only 2 princesses, Cadance is in the Crystal empire and Twilight is NOT a princess. She never will be.)Short, sweet…nothing more to say.[link] Blank sheet[link] Got base from thisSnoken is all mine
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