well this would be the suppose end (there is still more pages (depending)) but there are two more chapters plus an epilogue i’m going to add (which I’ve already written down) and um…well…..i don’t know what else to say soooo lets talk about the pannals
#1 well he got an axe and his cute mark was added at the last minute so ya
#2 utterson looks like he had enough
#3 poor Hyde he pleased for mercy also i will show what i think happened in there for the very last pannals of the comic before the epilogue
#4 now there about to barge in
#5 poole may be old but you would not want to mess with him lol
#6 again poor Hyde with what happens he screams in pain…aw that sounded horrible
#7 i wanted to do a bit more detailed to give a certain atmosphere
#6 now you’ll all see the face of poor Hyde more clearly this angle makes his head shape look boxy but it will be normal later
(i know it may be my drawing but Hyde, especially in the movie kinda looks cute to me lol call me crazy but he does but to me his face is a sight for sore eyes i don’t know how can anyone hate a face like this)
#7 eh not much to say but little did they know that Hyde along with Jekyll will be back
#8 i don’t know what else to put so a simple building will do
sometimes i want to add detail sometimes i don’t but it’s my comic i can do whatever but again if i ever do another comic for the AU i’ll maybe do detail but simple ponies i don’t know i just need to learn how to draw buildings better, maybe that will make future art and comics better it will take longer but it will be worth it
now at that moment Hyde screamed the stuff from the potion instantly starts healing all cells in his body (i won’t say what helps with that it will say later in the “last” chapter)
and again anything that Jekyll says i like to say is when he says “I” ether he means Jekyll himself or Jekyll telling Hyde what to do or both thinking the same thing but sometimes Jekyll talks about himself in 3rd person and when he talk about Hyde, Hyde REALLY IS a separate individual sharing the same body and also Jekyll could be just biased. just to let you know.
so the rest will be hard to visualize and the next chapter is with lanyon again (i already made the cover art) talking about…well i won’t spoil and i already made the cover art for the “last” chapter and epilogue (though not finished, i should though) so i hope you enjoy your reading so wish me luck