Diner Background
Born and raised in the forest tree’s of Pin Needle Barrens, where for most of her life she was raised within the simple village ways of her people. Mainly, most of them were farmers and the like of. It was a quiet little home, not many bothered them… but Diner Delights, other wise known as D.D., wanted to get out there. See the world and branch out.
At home she worked at one of the villages restaurants where she started from a young age in the family business with her mom as a cook. Serving up hot tasty meals to the local populace of Porcs in the forest who stopped on by. But in time, her wander lust took hold and got the better of her.
So out she set north, crossing the sands of Catoshima into Klugetown. A port side city like area where a wide variety of creature made home… rejects from all over it felt like. Though quickly she made herself at home while she took to work in a local tavern, getting a job quick in the kitchen as she put her home style fry cook skills to work. For several years she worked in the tavern in this port- even getting enough to keep a room near by so she could making a living.
In time, she managed to buy the tavern from the original owners. Re-branding it Diner’s Delights.
And yet… at times, this wasn’t enough. She still wanted to wander… explore what’s out there. See new things and new sights… but she had a duty. Her job at the tavern as owner and head fry cook took priority above all else.
But maybe… just maybe, she’ll branch out… maybe sell the current place and find somewhere else and start up all over again.
All it takes is finding the right place, and while she enjoys the company of the Klugetown residents… they just aren’t the perfect lads to keep her around.