There are many kinds of creatures that inhabit Equestria. Some are large and powerful, some small and mundane, and everything between. Espressivo is in a category all her own.
Born between her mothers Rainbow Dash and Adagio Dazzle, Espressivo was birthed by Adagio and so retained many siren traits. However due to the nature of her birth she was born with a gimp wing that later was amputated out of health concerns. As a direct result she could never fly on her own, a fact her brother Prisma offer brings up.
Despite this defect, as she calls it, Espressivo still manages to use her wing for other things like pegasi can do.
Like her brother she has both siren and pony features. Unlike her brother, who is mostly pony, Espressivo has a tail with large plume scales and talon hooves like a siren, aside from her wing. And unlike her brother she uses her voice, and often abuses it to get what she wants despite her mothers warnings.
She is temperamental at best and extremely violent when angered. Adagio and Rainbow often have to call in Aria for help when dealing with the fillys temper.