Acapella Apple was adamant and refused to budge. She didn’t care about all the wonders fame could offer, unlike her beautiful, talented sister. It was plain and simple; she didn’t feel like her music was good enough for anyone. Why should they care?
“But sis, I gotta give credit where it’s due!” Pristine Melody argued. “They think I wrote those tunes when really, I couldn’t possibly measure up to yer expertise. Don’t they deserve to know the mastermind behind my music?”
Pelly began thinking of a crowd surrounding her and screaming her name, which gave her such terrible anxiety. Her eyes glossed over and went wide, and her jaw hung loose. She had to shake herself back into reality. “Heavens no! That would have me sweatin’ like a sinner in church! I just wanna keep writing behind the scenes, being known isn’t what I want! You really have to believe me. We’d be better off with what we have now. Nobody would like the truth anyways.”
“Sure they would, Pelly. Why wouldn’t they love it? Sisters workin’ together! Supportin’ each other!” Mel’s eyes seemed to fill with stars as she went on. “It’s why I ain’t never lettin’ those bigshot corporations touch my music. See, it’s good ol’ honest family love!”
“It’s a no and that’s final, Pristine Melody.” Pelly used her sister’s full name to punctuate her sentence, turning away from her but with a reluctant expression. If they saw who she was and what she was like, meek and shy, they wouldn’t take her messages anymore.
Mel opened her mouth to protest, but then shut it and sighed.
“Fine. I don’t exactly agree with yer decision…but I understand. I ain’t gonna make you do anything ya ain’t comfortable with. We’ll keep going as we are and I ain’t gonna tell anyone anything. Not till yer ready.” She reached out a hoof. “Deal?”
Pelly turned back to shake her sister’s outstretched hoof, the look on her face content but somber. “We have a deal.”