Page 933 - Cross BalkSpeaking of rogues (flawless segue), got a new Dusk City Outlaws update for you today!
Fluttershy: So… will Rarity make dresses for us?
Rarity: Of course, of course. I won’t even charge.
Applejack: I’ve been wonderin’ for a while: How good of a dressmaker can Rarity be, anyway? Isn’t being a Rogue her main job and makin’ dresses is just her cover?
Twilight Sparkle: I imagine it’s a matter of Dexterity… which Rarity has in spades.
DM: 4th Edition in general isn’t really concerned with crafting rules.
Applejack: Even if it was, that’s sneakin’, cartwheelin’, knife-in-your-back Dexterity. Not sure that’s needle-‘n’-thread Dexterity.
DM: I dunno, when you put it like that…
Twilight Sparkle: Actually, there IS an Enchant Magic Item ritual we could use on these dresses. How much GP would a Level 9 common armor cost?
Pinkie Pie: <gasp!> So we can have MAGICAL DRESSES?!
Rarity: AHEM. What do you want your dresses to look like?
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