no longer available+
Hand crafted Cozy Glow as seen in season 8 of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.
Pony base is a baby fakie, but I cut out her eye shape from vinyl and glued it over the original sunken in fakie eyes.
Wings are cut off of a blindbag Fluttershy figure, and glued into place with e6000 glue.
Entire base coated in white gesso to give the acrylic paint work a texture to bond to. Full body repaint job in cameo pink, eyes and cutiemark painted true to character and all paint work sealed in Artists Varnish.
Mane and tail are rooted in nylon mlp dollyhair in the colors crystal lake and artctic frost. Permanently styled with hair gel method.
Tied pale yellow ribbon onto a strip of white leather for her hair band, and a piece of pale yellow on the tail.
#cozyglow #goesToHell #cutie #DarlaDimple #chesspiece #rook #custompony #mlpcustom #handpainted #curlyhair #synthetichair #artisancraft #fakiecustom #pegasus #evil #generation4 #g4 #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #mlpfim #friendshipIsDoomedToHell #CurlyHairIsMagic #ponyfandom #mlpfandom