Nicknames: Pollen (shortened name), Grainy (sarcastic nickname)
Gender: Male
Relative Age: Born Reoverse AU Y16
Species: Pegasus
Height: Average
Weight: Heavy-set
Hometown: Ponyville
Current Residence: Ponyville
Occupation: Pollination Control Pegasus– keeps track of which plants are struggling each year, and then assists in their cross-pollination come spring.
Mane Color/Style/Length: Thick but relatively straight, but hides a heavy wave from it’s overal form. Two shades of reddish pink.
Coat Description: Orange with pale hooves and freckles.
Eye Shape/Color: Purple.
Accessories: None.
Allegiance: Princess Twilight Sparkle
Cutie Mark: A mirror with a smile on it.
Special Talent: Maintaining a healthy level of self-care and reflection, and helping others to do the same.
Family: Scootaloo (mum), Babs Seed (ma), Sunflower (aunt)
Friends: Sugar Rush & Scented Breeze
Personality: Pollen Grain is the boisereous pony in his group… not that that says much, given who his friends are. Still, Pollen isn’t afraid to speak up when he or his friends need or want something. Pollen has an eye for detail, and the patience required to dedicate the time and energy required for his job.
Flaws: Pollen Grain does, however, have the a tendency towards being lazy or treating himself a bit too well. He’s easily shaken from these issues, though… most of the time. He’s also easily heartbroken, as he commits to everything heavily– both emotionally and physically. Luckily, he has good friends to pick him up whenever he should fall!
[Character History]
(In this, try to include these things:
•Where is your OC originally from?
•How did your OC get his/her cutie mark?
•How did your OC get to where he/she is today?
You can also add anything that you feel is important in your OC’s history.)
[Current Home]
(Where is your OC now? What does he/she do now?)
[Powers List]
Basic Pegasus Powers:
•Intrinsic Pegasus ability to fly
•Intrinsic Pegasus ability to walk on clouds