Community Collab Image 2024 This year's collab has begun! Post your submissions here


Name: Idunn  
Nickname(s): Sunny (By Celestia)  
Species/Gender: Earth pony/Female  
Mark/Talent: A golden tree in front of the moon, stars appearing between the branches reminiscent of fruit. Represents her talent for gardening, specifically arboriculture.  
Personality: Brave, outgoing, acts extremely overconfident. Tries to be kind, but is very bad at reading social situations and often messes up. Willing to listen, respects others.  
Important relationships:  
Luna (Mother) - Idunn wants nothing more than the make her mother proud of her. They don’t spend as much time together as Idunn and Rockhoof, but they love each other and enjoy the time they do spend together.  
Rockhoof (Father) - Extremely close. Rockhoof was a bit of a stay-at-home dad when Idunn was little, so they spent much time together as she grew up.  
Celestia (Aunt) - Celestia used to spoil Idunn absolutely rotten when she was little, gleefully telling Luna that she wasn’t Isunn’s parent, so she didn’t have to do any parenting. Idunn is still very close toher aunt, and often seeks her out when needing advice about social situations.  
Mr. Greenhooves (Mentor) - He was kind and completely unflappable, and the only one patient enough to teach the young princess when she just got her mark. She deeply admires and respects him.
Unlike Celestia, Luna didn’t really love all foals, and wish to be a mother or teacher above all else -sure, she have had foals before, but only when she was with a partner she really loved and they wished to have foals. So when she and Rockhoof had been dating (as it was now apparently called. they both still referred to it as courting one another) for a while, and he brought up the subject, she was a bit nervous. Partially because of how the foal would be treated, and partially because she was worried over how she’d be as a mother. But after some deep conversations with Rockhoof, and some encouragement from Celestia (who totally didn’t have any ulterior motives. Please ignore the “Best niece”/”Best nephew” blankets she was currently knitting.) she and Rockhoof decided to have a foal.When Idunn was born, she was extremely tiny (something which has remained a constant through her life -turns out magically enhanced size and strength isn’t inheritable, so she got her dad’s originally tiny frame), with a mess of golden hair. Rockhoof decided to name her Idunn, after the goddess of youth and guardian of the golden apples. Normally, naming someone directly after the gods tended be viewed as a bit… pretentious, but considering that her mother is essentially a demi-god, Rockhoof felt he could be a bit pretentious in her naming.  
She grew up fairly sheltered in the palace. Her schooling consisted of private tutors, up until she was a teenager, when she requested to go to a normal school. Most of her play-mates were the children of the palace staff; some were really nice, and some seemed a bit too intimidated by her title to not just be yes-mares. And she almost always had her dad; since his job was mainly writing and telling stories, he sort of became a stay-at-home dad for a while to take care of her.  
Luna was really concerned with making sure Idunn didn’t experience the feeling of insecurity and being an outsider as she did, so she and Rockhoof really went all in to make sure she felt secure and confident… it worked a bit too well. She also inherited her parents booming voices, so the result is a pony who doesn’t always understand social norms, is extremely loud, and acts very overconfident in everything. She tries to take people’s feelings into account before acting, but usually doesn’t really get them -you have to spell them out to her. If you don’t mind her volume or overbearing nature, she can be one of the most loyal and brave ponies you’ll ever meet, but a lot of ponies find it a bit difficult.  
She got her cutie mark after hearing the stories of the goddess Idunn and her golden apples of youth. Intrigued, she went to Sweet Apple Acres (Rockhoof had told her many stories of the Elements of Harmony, so she knew much about Applejack -including that she was the best apple farmer in Equestria) and asked them to teach her about apple trees. Applejack just said sure to the free labor, and let Idunn shadow and help her as she went about her daily chores. This isn’t where she got her mark though. After a nasty storm had passed Canterlot, she decided to walk along the back of the palace gardens, and found some damaged trees and shrubbery. Applejack had been telling her about what to do when trees were hurt, so she decided to fix them. When the palace gardeners finally reached that section they found an extremely proud princess, a new mark, and some shrubbery that had seemingly been attacked. They congratulated her, sent her to her dad, and quickly repaired Idunn’s “fixes”.  
After this, she started apprenticing with Mr. Greenhoof and the other gardeners in the palace. Her parents thought about sending her to get a more official education in arboriculture, but Idunn said she’d rather become a guard and keep gardening as a hobby or side-gig. Her parents shrugged, and let her -it’s her life after all. She’s currently a member of the palace guards, working the night shift. She spends her evenings in the palace gardens, and usually spends the forenoon sleeping. Her free time is usually spent training or trying to breed new cultivars of different fruits and berries.  
She seems to have inherited some on Luna’s connection to the night: she’s partially nocturnal, can see in the dark, and is very good at lucid dreaming.  
She does have some odd magic of her own though; by working with a tree or bush, she can make its fruit have strange properties. Such as apples that make you fall asleep, pears that enhance your eyesight or raspberries that can cure poisons. Luna and Celestia don’t think anything of it though; it’s quite common for their kids to have strange abilities.  
When Celestia first saw her golden mane, she joked that the was very sunny for being one of Luna’s kids. And that’s where her nickname for Idunn came from -Luna can’t wait for the day Celestia has a blue foal (it’s bound to happen eventually).  
Despite her size, she is extremely strong, since she spends most of her free time training. Add that to how earth ponies are naturally physically stronger due to their magic, and she can bench press a small house if she really wanted to.  
Has two very distinct accents she talk-shouts in. Sometimes she’s yelling in “ye olde equish” and sometimes she’s bellowing with an “auld scandineighvian” accent, and sometimes she switches from word to word.  
Her concept of flirting consists of slapping someone across their back and telling them what she thinks of their battle prowess. She has gotten some of the other guards into her bed this way, but that may have more to do with her title. Still, she’s convinced that it works.  
She doesn’t drink alcohol. She doesn’t like the thought of not being in complete control of herself.


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