Page 506 - The Face of TerrorThe darkness of clowns is kind of a cultural standard at this point, but it isn’t really my personal kind of spook. If you wanted to scare me, it wouldn’t hurt to go with zombies. I hate zombies with a passion. And dogs, though somewhat less so. (No offense to your dog personally, if you have one.)…Zombie dogs.
DM: The opening ceremonies are about to begin. A large crowd applauding draws your attention to the central stage where Mayor Mare has taken the podium.
Mayor Mare: Thank you, everypony. And welcome to the Nightmare Night festival. For all the little ponies who have been out collecting sweets, it is time to hear all about the legend of… NIGHTMARE MOOOOOON! Mwahahahahaa!
Twilight Sparkle: Really selling it for the kids, huh?
Spike: Eh. The spooky voice might work better if she wasn’t dressed as a clown.
Fluttershy: A-A-A CLOWN?! That’s awful!
Applejack: Yeah, I dunno what Spike’s on about. Ah sure don’t wanna be those kids right now.
Twilight Sparkle: …Wait. Nightmare Moon?
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