The Tiny ponies in the corner are the unit that’s run one of this guns, here’s the break down
Gun: this is the gun, it’s pretty heavy. they stay farther from the fount line and are used as a long range attack to split the mages on the other side to defend both magical and physical attacks.
H1: The main carrier of the Gun, though everyone in the unit is train to be about to aim the gun they usually do it. they are usually an earth pony or earth pony mix.
A1/A2: This guys carry the ammo of the gun, they trade the heavier load between them so the they don’t overextend themselves. they are usually an earth pony or earth pony mix.
S1: Acts as a scout, and spotter for the gunners always a pegusus.
SM: can also acts as a scout and spotter but usually acts as a way to keep in contact with other gunner units. usually a unicorn or pegusus
GM: commanding office of the unit, can be any race
H2: acts as a relief for H1/A1/A2, usually also has extra combat training
All members go though basic training and know there gun inside and out. members not carrying ammo/the gun carry most of the other supplies.
Also don’t you love Mr. Generic Mcgee?