Starry really liked how his afro looked after the Cutie Mark Crusaders almost killed him lol. But his hair was getting a bit too big and was too much to groom. He knew it was time for a trim, maybe even a new look.
So he went to Rarity to cut it. “I want a haircut: said Stary. “Really?” Rarity said a bit surprised. “What kind of style are you looking for, darling?” “Surprise me” says Starry eagerly.
Sometime later, Starry was sitting on the haircut chair with Rarity cutting his hair. “All done” she says. Starry stares at himself in the mirror with his freshly cropped tail and clean shaven head.
“I love it!” Squeed Starry in delight, “I feel lighter and smooth! I bet I could faster than ever before!”
“Here’s a shaving kit, so you can shave yourself at home,” said Rarity “And may I say how dashing you look sporting the Q-Ball look!” she flirted. Starry blushes with his mouth gaping open.