This group has gone through so much over these years and it still amazes me that we got alot of character development of them, especially Chicken there. Their grit and their dedication covered in childishness and one-too-many-rash decisions is what makes me adore them. Babs tho is a different story, along withGabby, characters that I believe were severely under-developed, but hey what can you do? They made really good impressions and although I tend to lean on Gabriela here more, I’m glad that these two made it with the other three. God speed, crusaders, god speed.
Easter eggs here include the papers being littered mostly with cutie marks or figures of ponies that inspire/help them be who there were (Moon, Twi, Pie, etc.) while the background color is yes, that of their butt tattoos.
MLP: FiM is own by Hasbro!
Fun Fact: The reason why this got so delayed in release was simply that of having to go God knows far to an Office Depot. They’re the only ones that are cheap and welcoming enough for me to scan these tad-bits and deliver them here. Top of that, I had plans with friends today and tomorrow, so yeah. Happy Thanksgiving y’all.
q: yo, what up honey bunches
a: be gone, pleb
q: doing black friday shopping?
a: haha, foolish mortal, does thee think moi made of mun-mun?
q: gabby or gallus?
a: pas de question, gallus, duh
Sketched: 11/19/19 (50 minutes) 4 hours)
Finished: 11/25//19 (
Used: Daiso Mechpencil Easygrip w/Pencilmate Lead .7 #2, Le Pen Drawing .1, Prismacolor Premier Chisel Tip Marker, Crayola Color Escapes 72 Count, and Crayola Colored Pencils 50 Ct.