“Not really, no. Do you see why demons are annoying to deal with now? Heck, Pip is one of the better behaved ones I’ve met.” Joyride says with a sigh.
Emerald says that he is really curious about what is going on there, commenting how mad Loupe and Nishan were. It’s more than royal jelly isn’t it?
“Yes, it is.” Joyride says, and after waiting for her to say something she just sort of stares at Emerald and asks, “You don’t bugging me yet?”
She then snickers to herself for some reason again like she did before with the beeswax joke.
Emerald asks what she knows about the Order of the Monarch.
“They are the royal guards, and they are pretty tough. They pretty much deal with threats against Whiterwater and the royal family. Try not to mess with them lil’ perv, they are well trained and even better equipped.” Joyride remarks.
The colt asks if there is anyway we could find out who’s skull that is that they found in the cave.
“I guess we could ask it.” Joyride says with a shrug.
Emerald tilts his head at her, and she replies, “Necromancy is a pretty useful skill sometimes, lil’ perv. If you want to we can do it later in the day I guess.”
Inventory & Spells - http://pastebin.com/D5PzFgGv