Sandbar: Hey! I only need five.
—— Ocellus: So, Smolder. You just sit in the lava and wait until the dirt burns off? Smolder: Yeah. How else are dragons supposed to get clean? With soap and water?
—— Sandbar: I know Hippogriffs clean themselves by preening, but how do Seaponies get clean? Silverstream: Shells! Ocellus: Shells? Silverstream: Special kind of shells.
—— Smolder: So how did changelings bathe before King Thorax? Ocellus: I don’t know. They would probably used some of that changeling slime or something. Twilight: Wait. That would explain how some parts of the hive looked so clean!
—— Yona: Yona confused. Is Gallus griffon or cat? Sandbar: Well, he’s part eagle and part lion. So I guess he has a feline side in him. Gallus: Hey, don’t make me hiss at you!
—— Smolder: So you just roll in snow to stay clean? Yona: Yep! Best way to clean! Gallus: That would explain your scent. Yona: Yona pretend Yona didn’t hear that.