This one for Tawverni and his lovely lady Ghostly, doing those boring couple stuff one might do.
Drawing characters kissing is definitely always a huge challenge, no matter species, unless ya decide to just cheat and go by cheek kisses or heads tilted enough to completely hide whatever lip flap action is going on. Tried to challenge myself by showing that right on for once. A but unsure how well it turned out, but I’m positive it’s not entirely horrific to look at. And the card receivers said it looked good to them, so that counts too.
Enjoy and happy holidays!
Ghostly Mist © Ghostly Mist
Flux Chord © :tawverni who in turn belongs to Ghostly Mist
Tawverni is working hard on his ongoing comic about his OC Flux Chord the halfling changeling king going on an adventure to prove his worth as leader of a Hive!
I get previews of the comic pages so I can tell ya he put a lot of work into making it look just right, so you oughta check it all out!
You can find the comic on twitter and tumblr too.