itv-canterlot :
Her bags are heavy. But she’s not complaining. There are books in them! smileyface smileyface
From MLP:FiM S05E23.
Have I made too many vectors with characters smiling?Footnotes:
Spent quite some time (as in, pretty much the whole afternoon) reading a rather confusing book: Vector Basic Training: A Systematic Creative Process for Building Precision Vector Artwork by Von Glitchscha. Fine. I had few doubts over the quality of my screenshot - namely, the buckle were not perfectly oriented and the bag’s outline was uneven. After replaying the video a few more times, I’m pretty sure they were just like that. I couldn’t really find a better pose for her, so, yeah. Something like this. If anyone need a version without the bag, let me know and I’ll see what I can do. The magic aura looked, hopefully, better. University application submitted. Let’s see what would happen.
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