Blade Dancer paced down a long aisle of books, looking around every which way. Situation wasn’t looking very good.
Oookaaay so I’m supposed to be guarding someone when I have no idea what they look like, in a place I have no clue how to get around in, in an empire I’ve never been too before. Way’ta botch a job you idiot…
Worry was beginning to settle in, causing the mare to increase her pace. Unable to fly between the aisles well enough, she soon found herself lightly running down the rows and shelves of books. Looking every which way, she was looking down a hall when she rounded a corner and crashed into something face first. The object felt like a brick wall covered in light fur, and the impact’s previous momentum caused Blade Dancer to stumble backwards. Tripping over her own tail, Blade Dancer soon found herself falling over onto her back with a loud grunt.
She grabbed at her head, her helmet knocked sideways and her vision being anything but clear. A blurry blob was approaching her. As her vision settled, Blade Dancer soon found herself looking up at a confused looking stranger. Or at least they would have been a stranger had she not immediately homed in on a ridge covered nose, short fangs, shoulder patches, and red-yellow eyes. Blade Dancer’s eyes shot open with shock, crawling backwards a bit in fumbling attempts to get to her feet.
The crashed-into stallion just looked confused, advancing slowly to catch up to her as her latest attempt to rise caused a hoof to slip on her long mane.
“G-GG-Godzilla?!?” bro-ther?……oooy..”
The stallion’s confusion hit new levels. He had no clue what was going on or what was up with this mare, but he was about to find out. She knew a name, one he took great interest in.
She’s in on the secret if she knows Junior, must have mistaken me for him. But what does she know?
Approaching the downed mare, he cornered her against a book shelf and leaned down. Blade Dancer froze in place as the ‘Godzilla’ sniffed at her neck and cheek. It was only now she noticed that ‘Junior’ had blue fur and a very pale mane, along with a horn type she’d never seen before. Still, the invasion of space couldn’t help but usher a small blush before he pulled away slightly.
“You smell like Icka’brod alright. Been around him haven’t you?”
The stallion chuckled and backed up. Study from his given materials could wait a moment, this mare definitely had his attention. Blade Dancer meanwhile was a bit wide eyed, wondering what sort of situation she’d just found herself in and what this newcomer was talking about.
“Icka’ who?”
The blue and white stallion sat back and smirked with a low key smile. Near invisible strands of telekinesis coiled around Blade Dancer and lifted her up before the pegasus could react. Before thoughts or fears of being thrown or crushed could come to her, she soon found herself gently levitated up and back down to her hooves before the sensations dissipated.
“Call it a nickname. But tell me, how do you know my baby brother?~”
The last two words made Blade Dancer’s legs wobble a bit. The world was beginning to tilt again as the new realization smashed into her mind.
Blade Dancer’s vision blacked out after her eyes rolled up, and she went limp. Any flopping against the floor was averted by telekinetic energy wrapping around her and catching the pegasus mid-fall. Xenilla rolled his eyes and levitated the unconscious mare upwards. Shrugging to himself, he walked back to his study area, nonchalantly levitating the floating Blade Dancer behind him.
Well there goes that entertainment. Hope you wake up quick.