You see, i made my first dA account, AReallyGoodDrawer i was 13 and at that age i didnt know what it meant to make a character and what is classified as stealing a characters design/story and as a result i took colours from others characters and used them as my own. I thought by changing and add/taking colours and markings i would be making the design my own and that i wouldnt get into trouble for it. No one stopped and explained to me that this wasnt a good thing or why it wasnt, i would just get a bunch of people ganging up on me and sending me such rude and disheartening things, and for a 13 year-old that was only just starting to share their art work online, that really crushed me and it gave me a lot of anxiety about my designs.
I had one person make it very public and posted a journal about me, they never explained to me that what i was doing was wrong, they simply just made a huge rant journal and telling their watchers to ‘watch out, they steal characters’ and i read it all, and then i read the comments and its nothing but horrible rude things, calling me a thief and all these other rude things and note, i was 13, i didnt know any better and no one to teach me.
At one point i stole Dreams design, here. And at 13 i thought since i added in a new mane colour, changed it around, added markings and changed species that i made her my own. And bunnycrisis was the only one who wasnt rude to me, she stopped and explained that just because i changed somethings, doesnt mean its mine. She didnt fully explain to me everything but i did, after that slowly pick up what was right and what wasnt. And its thanks to her that i made Rose Star, and she really inspired me to make something truly my own, so thank-you~
This is why i always privately ask someone if what ive done is okay, i always ask people for their opinions on things and i always credit/link any inspiration i have. I dont like all that i went through and it really crushed and hurt me, thats why when it happens to me, i try to be as nice and as kind as i can.
Sure there are those who intend to steal, but there are some out there who just dont know what their doing is wrong and i dont think people should treat them all rudely.